As a lacrosse player in 2023, it's essential to understand the different types of screens used during gameplay. These screens can help prevent opponents from entering shooting range while creating opportunities for potential scoring plays.
From the crease screen to the pick-and-roll, there are many techniques and strategies used by players at all levels of lacrosse that can give you a competitive edge.
This guide will discuss the various lacrosse types of screens, their advantages and disadvantages, and how you can use them to your advantage in any given game situation.
Take Away Key Points:
What are screens in lacrosse?
A lacrosse screen, also called a pick, is a maneuver used by two attacking players to allow their team to gain possession of the ball.
To create a screen, one player will stand close to the defender to 'screen' them off while the other attacker cuts around them and into open space.
Screens in lacrosse are a type of defensive strategy used to stop the opposite side from scoring against the defensive player.
A good strategy in screens is to prevent the attack players from crossing the goal line extended while trying to score.
A player will stand between an offensive player and their target while another player moves around behind them, blocking any potential passing or shooting lanes.
The objective is to disrupt the opponent's plans while creating space for your team's offense. Screens are commonly used in situations with limited space, such as near the goal area, and can be very effective when executed properly.

How is lacrosse screen played?
The screener will stand between an offensive player and their target while another player moves around behind them. This disrupts the opponents' plans and creates space for your team's offense.
Additionally, the screener position can cover up passing and shooting lanes in areas with limited space, such as near the goal area.
The screening player must remain stationary for the maneuver to effectively provide an obstacle between their teammate and the defender.
Both attacking players attempt to take up space, break down the defenders' reaction time, and make it more difficult for them to control their opponent while they clear space for their teammate with the ball.
When done correctly, this tactic can help an offensive player and their team transfer possession of the ball moving quickly and prevent defensive players from regaining control of it.
Types of lacrosse screens
Several different types of screens are used in lacrosse, including the set pick, pick and pop, pick and roll, pick and slip, and double-team screens.
1. Set pick
The set pick is a type of screen used in lacrosse to create an opening for a teammate. In this play, one player stands still while another moves around them, blocking any defender from reaching the passer or receiver.
The player standing still is known as the screener, and they must remain in position until their teammate has passed them and moved on.
The set pick can be a useful strategy when trying to get an open shot or pass, as it gives your team an advantage by providing extra protection. It also allows for quick passing that can catch the defense off guard.
2. Pick and pop
The pick and the pop screen is a type of offensive pattern in college, high school, and youth lacrosse that allows one player to set up a screen for another. In this play, one player stands still while another moves around them.
The screener creates an opening for their teammate, who then "pops" out to receive the ball.
3. Pick and roll
The pick and roll screen is an offensive pattern in lacrosse that combines the set pick with a rolling action. In this simple play, one player sets up a screen for another, who then quickly moves around the screener and rolls toward the goal.
4. Pick and slip
The pick and slip screen is a type of offensive pattern in lacrosse that combines the set pick with a slipping action. In this play, one player sets up a screen for another, who then quickly moves around the screener and slips past defenders toward the goal.
5. Double-team screens
The double team screen is a type of offensive strategy in lacrosse that involves two offensive players setting up defensive screens for each other. In this play, one player sets up a screen to protect the ball carrier while the other slips around the screener and moves toward the goal.
6. Off-ball pick
Off-ball picks are one of the essential techniques for any lacrosse player to master. In a nutshell, off-ball picks involve two players working together to create an advantageous positioning and passing situation with their opponents.
Illegal screen violations

The illegal screen is a penalty in a lacrosse team that occurs when one player sets up a screen (or "pick") on an opposing player without the ball. This is considered a violation because it gives the ball holder an unfair advantage and disrupts the flow of play.
Illegal screens can be either offensive or defensive in nature and are typically penalized with either a one-minute penalty or a personal foul. In some cases, illegal screens can also be accompanied by additional penalties (such as charging).
Illegal screens can also result in a free position in women's lacrosse.
To prevent illegal screens from occurring, players should always stay aware of their surroundings and make sure to give themselves plenty of space when setting up for a pick.
The Shot Clock is similar to the one used in basketball, where 30 seconds start counting down when a team has possession of the ball. The offensive team must successfully shoot on goal before those 30 seconds are up, or they will be forced to give up possession. However, if their shot hits any part of the goal and rebounds off for them to recover it, another full thirty-second count starts again from scratch! The play continues until a team scores the goal line!
Players should also ensure that they do not lead with their elbows or use excessive force when setting up for a pick - this is especially important since rough play may result in more severe penalties such as suspension. Additionally, teammates need to set their feet and shoulder width apart and their hands close to their bodies.
Protecting an area of six feet long and wide, the goalies are only authorized to enter the circular crease surrounding it. Within these four seconds after making a save, no one can interfere with the goalie while he attempts to pass the ball or run out with the ball. However, once they have exited this safe space, they are prohibited from returning unless they surrender possession of their prize.
By understanding and following the rules, lacrosse teammates can ensure that they won't be penalized for illegal screens!
Screens in Box lacrosse vs. Field lacrosse
In box lacrosse games, the players are typically much closer together, allowing for tight spaces and quicker offensive plays for the offensive players.
The fast-paced nature of box lacrosse also means that screens are used more often than in field lacrosse. This type of play allows for a greater emphasis on passing and communication between players, making it vital for them to be aware of who is setting up the screen and who is heading toward the goal.
On the other hand, in field lacrosse, players are usually farther apart, and there is more room to move around - this means that screens may not be as effective since defenders have more time to react.
Additionally, since passing is less emphasized in field lacrosse, screens tend not to be utilized as much as they would in box lacrosse.
Overall, while both sports have similarities in setting up screens, they have some distinct differences that make them unique!
Final Words
In conclusion, screens are an important part of lacrosse gameplay, no matter which type of lacrosse you are playing.
To avoid penalties or other fouls, it is crucial to understand the rules and regulations associated with lacrosse types of screens.