Whether you're starting in the sport of lacrosse or looking to upgrade your equipment, understanding how to size a lacrosse stick can help you find the perfect fit.
With various sizes and features, selecting the right lacrosse stick and following lacrosse stick length rules is essential for improving the performance of lacrosse short sticks.
By following our lacrosse stick sizing guide, you'll have all the crucial information to choose a stick tailored to your sport and skill level.
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Lacrosse Stick Length: How Long and Tall Should a Lacrosse Stick Be?
Understanding how to size a lacrosse stick is vital for any lacrosse player that wants to maximize their performance. Getting the length and height of a lacrosse stick just right can give players an advantage on the field and make sure they're comfortable when playing.
The length of a lacrosse stick determines how far you can reach with it, while the height affects ball control and shooting accuracy. Therefore, understanding the recommended sizes for your position, arm length, and skill level is essential to find a stick that fits perfectly.

In lacrosse, there are generally three sizes of a lacrosse stick:
- 30 inches for attackers and midfielders
- 60 inches for defensive players
- 40 inches for lacrosse goalies
This lacrosse stick length is without the lacrosse heads installed. Be aware that if you enter a tournament or a league, your lacrosse stick should follow a certain measurement standard.
Lacrosse Stick Size Chart
Position | Men | Youth |
Attack position | 40" - 42" | 36" - 42" |
Midfield position | 40" - 42" | 36" - 42" |
Defense position | 52" - 72" | 37" - 72" |
Goalie position | 40" - 72" | 40" - 72" |
Note: all of the lacrosse stick dimensions are with the lacrosse head on. The lacrosse heads usually measure 10 inches in maximum length.
Lacrosse Stick Size for Attack/Midfield Position
When playing as an attacker or a midfielder, the size of your lacrosse stick should vary between 30 and 45 inches, depending on your gender and height. The taller you are, the longer your lacrosse head and shaft will be.
Women's lacrosse sticks tend to be smaller than their male counterparts in the same position.
1. Adult attack/midfield lacrosse stick
A high school or college attack lacrosse shaft should measure 30 inches in length, with the head adding 40-42 inches. Attackmen and midfielders prefer shorter sticks to help with stick handling, picking up ground balls, and keeping a secure grip on the ball.
In women's lacrosse, the attack and midfield lacrosse shafts typically measure between 26-37 inches.
2. Youth attack/midfield lacrosse stick
Youth attackmen and midfielders are permitted to cut their lacrosse shafts to a minimum length of 26 inches. Once the new lacrosse head is added, the ensuing total length falls within the youth lacrosse stick regulation size of 36" to 42".
It can be challenging to decide on an appropriate lacrosse shaft size for youth players; however, it's important to remember that those with larger frames may struggle to adjust to a bigger size if they become too dependent on a small lacrosse shaft.
Lacrosse Stick Size for Defense Position
Defensive sticks, also known as d-poles, are essential for leveling the playing field. The longer length enables defenders to keep up with offensive players and take back control of the ball.
When determining your stick size, it is recommended that the entire stick (head included) be the same height as you, although this can be adjusted depending on your preference. For defensive players, lacrosse coaches typically suggest a minimum lacrosse stick lengths range from 52 to 72 inches.
1. Adult defense stick
The ideal length of a long pole or d-pole for defense players is typically the same as their height.
Long poles grant defenders more reach when posting up, allowing them to check anyone within six feet of them. Note that with increased length comes greater weight which can make stick checks slower and more powerful. Still, it also gives players the ability to throw the ball farther when clearing and makes it more difficult for an attacking lacrosse player to steal away the ball.
2. Youth player defense stick
Youth defensemen should use a lacrosse stick with a combined length between 37-72 inches, equal to their height.
Youth lacrosse players who struggle with their playing defense skills can shorten the lacrosse shaft by a few inches. For youth players, purchasing an adjustable stick to accommodate growth spurts, with an average length of 26-60 inches, is advisable.
Lacrosse Stick Size for Goalies
Goalies typically have a unique stick length between the lengths of defensive poles and attack/midfield sticks and are allowed by rule to be 40-72 inches long.
Generally, goalie shafts' minimum lacrosse stick length is 40 inches without the head, giving them extra reach for clearing the ball farther and for interception passes across the crease.
Why Do Lacrosse Players Sometimes Need to Shorten the Size of Lacrosse Stick?

Lacrosse players need to size their lacrosse sticks to get the most comfortable and practical hold on the stick. Different-sized sticks will have different grips and balances, so players must find a stick that fits them perfectly.
A good fit will give the player enough control while allowing them to move freely with the ball. This helps optimize performance when playing the game.
Choosing the right size lacrosse stick is critical to a player's success, whether playing on offense or defense.
To properly size a stick, you should start by finding the position you will primarily be playing. We discussed previously that different positions call for different lengths.
Women's Lacrosse Stick vs Men's Lacrosse Stick
Lacrosse stick measurements can depend on age, gender, and regulations. Generally, a short stick for boys' lacrosse is between 37 and 42 inches, while a long crosse can range from 37 to 72 inches.
Girls' lacrosse sticks are generally between 35-½ and 43-¼ inches, with goalkeeper sticks from 35-½ to 48 inches in size. U.S. Lacrosse guidelines also apply to specific age divisions. For example, women's Lacrosse Attackers and Midfielders use 40-42 inches length sticks.
Boys' lacrosse sticks typically have a lacrosse pocket made from durable synthetic mesh or hockey laces. The top of a lacrosse ball must be above the bottom edge of the sidewall for it to be considered legal.
For girls, lacrosse pocket options include leather or synthetic thongs, cross-lacing, and shooting strings. The youngest age levels can also use mesh in the lacrosse pocket.
How Do You Size a Lacrosse Stick?
Step 1: Find your lacrosse position
Before you even attempt to read our section on "how to fit a lacrosse stick," you first need to determine your lacrosse position.
A stick sizing guide on measuring lacrosse stick length based on your position is provided above, so check it out beforehand. The proper lacrosse stick length will determine the most comfortable fit, but it also matters if you play men's or women's lacrosse.
Step 2: Measuring lacrosse stick length
Start by taking your tape measure and determining the desired length of your lacrosse stick's shaft. Then, mark the length of the tape measure with a permanent marker, and double-check it three times to avoid cutting it too short.
To measure the correct length of your lacrosse stick, stand up straight and measure from the ground up until reaching the top of your shoulder or head (whichever one comes higher). Once done, record this number because it will be the length of your lacrosse stick.
Step 3: Choose the end
To fit your lacrosse stick to your desired length, you can either cut from the butt-end and re-apply an end cap with tape or remove the head and cut from the head-end. We recommend cutting from the butt-end to prevent adding a wine cork inside the lacrosse shaft when re-screwing in the head for ease of use.
Step 4: Begin the shortening process
After selecting the appropriate end to cut from and re-marking the length, double-check the sizing for accuracy. Put on your visor for protection, and take your hacksaw to the lacrosse shaft length. Start slowly with long, smooth strokes to avoid a lopsided cut.
Use your taped strip as a guide.
Step 5: Finishing touches
Once the lacrosse stick has been cut, smooth the end with sandpaper from coarse to fine.
Then, re-attach the head or cap and secure it with grip tape on the hollow shaft. You can apply the tape along the entire lacrosse shaft length for a free grip or in areas that usually come into contact with your hands for better control.
How long should my daughter's lacrosse stick be?
When it comes to lacrosse sticks, the size of the stick should be determined by your daughter's height.
To help determine the correct size lacrosse stick for your daughter, measure her height and hold the stick so that it's parallel to the ground one-third of the way down from the head.
Generally speaking, lacrosse sticks come in sizes ranging from 36" for a child under 4' tall to 60" for an adult over 6' tall. Check out our sizing guide above if you are curious about how to measure a lacrosse stick.
Are all lacrosse sticks the same size?

No, lacrosse sticks come in different sizes. Generally, the size of a lacrosse stick depends on factors such as age or skill level. In addition, lacrosse sticks come in three distinct length variations, each of which is tailored to the player's position: short, long, and goalie.
Junior sticks are typically shorter than adult ones, making them easier for young players to maneuver.
How big should a lacrosse stick be?
The size of a lacrosse stick will depend on various factors. Many will start measuring lacrosse stick length by age and level.
Shorter sticks are usually best for junior players, while attack players may require longer sticks for better control. Goalie sticks tend to be the longest and offer superior defensive capabilities.
How long is a defense lacrosse stick?
Defense lacrosse sticks typically measure between 52 and 72 inches, with youth sticks ranging from 40 to 52 inches. The stick's length should be tailored to the age and skill level of the player, as a long stick may not be ideal for youth-level or less experienced players.
How long should a women's lacrosse stick be?
Women's lacrosse shafts should measure at least 35.5-43.25 inches. Offensive women's lacrosse players may choose to shorten their lacrosse shaft for increased maneuverability and better handling ability.
How tall should a lacrosse stick be?
A lacrosse stick should be between 40 and 42 inches in length from the top of the head to the bottom of the butt end. It should also be proportional to its user's height and arm reach, as a stick that is too long or too short can hinder performance.
Should you cut a girl's lacrosse stick?
The general rule of lacrosse shaft sizes states that cutting a girl's lacrosse shaft is not recommended unless it is necessary to customize the stick lengths for increased performance.
However, if the player insists on cutting their stick, they should ensure that their adjustment does not go below 40 inches or damage any parts of the stick.
How do you know what size lacrosse stick to get?
The size of the lacrosse stick you need depends on two factors: your height and arm reach.
Finding a stick proportionate to your body is important, as a stick that is too long or too short can hinder performance. Also, when trying out new sticks, it's best to consider how well you can control the ball and how comfortable the stick feels while playing.
Additionally, opt for the longer option if you are in between sizes, as it can be slightly trimmed down but not made longer.
In conclusion, finding the right size lacrosse stick is important for peak performance.
Be sure to keep your height and arm reach in mind when selecting a stick, and make sure it feels comfortable when playing. Complete sticks include a lacrosse shaft and a head, making the length a personal preference of many players.
Trim sticks slightly if needed, but do not cut them too short.
Finding the right size lacrosse stick can help you take your lacrosse game to the next level.