If you play lacrosse, it's important to know the rules inside and out. Everyone wants to win a tight game and knowing what the rules are for overtime can be crucial in ensuring a victory!
In this blog post, we'll provide you with the official rules governing overtime games in lacrosse this year. You'll learn how many extra periods there are, who takes faceoffs during each period, when timeouts can be called, and more.
Take away key points:
If you're wondering what the overtime period in lacrosse is, the rules for managing it, and how to ensure victory for your team, the guide below answers all your questions.
What are lacrosse overtime rules?
When the result is a tie after the regulation play, the sudden death overtime period determined the winner of the match.
The overtime period is exciting and puts more pressure on both teams, as the victory is at stake. But, there are various procedures regarding lacrosse overtime periods.

What is the sudden death overtime period in lacrosse?
The sudden death overtime periods occur after the end of the regulation play. If the result after the match is a tie, then sudden death overtime will follow to determine the winner.
The winner of the game is determined due to the sudden victory overtime method. The first team scoring the goal during the sudden death is the winning team.
Overtime format rules
Overtime procedures vary for different leagues and levels of playing lacrosse. For instance, NCAA rules dictate four-minute-long overtime periods with a two-minute break between them.
According to the US Lacrosse, in the MLL (PLL) professional lacrosse, each overtime period lasts for ten minutes. And, in box lacrosse, the sudden death periods last for fifteen minutes each, with a two-minute break between each period.
In high school lacrosse, the rules are the same as at the college level. The team will compete in four-minute long periods, until a team scores and becomes a winner.
Women's lacrosse uses two three-minute periods with a three-minute break in between until the winner is determined.
Does overtime start after the third and fourth quarters?
Overtime begins five minutes after the regular play ends. Lacrosse has two halves consisting of four quarters - the first and second quarters, and the third and fourth quarters. The overtime will take place after the end of the second half of the play.
Players and coaches will have a chance to discuss, regain the focus on the main objective, and make substitutions. The coin toss procedure takes place in the first overtime period so that players can choose sides, and the face-off begins to gain possession of the ball.
Who gets possession of the ball during the face-off?
Once the face-off begins, the central players will stand on the center line, and the referee places the ball between their stick pockets. They will prepare for catching the ball with their body and stick positions, and the first team to catch the ball will probably be the winning team if they score the goal during the overtime.
What happens in box lacrosse if overtime cannot declare the winner?
Box lacrosse games finish in a shootout if no team scores a goal in the fifteen-minute periods given after the main game. During the shootout, offensive players from both teams start at the center line and head towards the goal without defensive players to prevent the shot.
Three players from both teams will alternate back and forth and the team that wins the most goals after the six shots is the winner. When a game ends in a tie, different procedures will take place. Teams select different shooters for each shooting round.
Overtime coin toss procedures
If the result ends in a tie after the regular match, the officials perform another coin toss with the captains at the two-minute break after the match and the begging of the first period.
The other team has the right to call the coin toss. The team winning the coin toss can choose the side of the field to defend. The alternating possession will remain the same as during the first part and regular match.
When does the Braveheart occur?
When the sudden death overtime ends in a tie result, the Braveheart will take place.
Braveheart is a procedure in which each team sends one player and one goalie to play. The goalie cannot cross the midfield line. If the result is still a tie, additional Bravehearts will take place until they determine the winners.
Braveheart starts with a face-off and the substations are not allowed during the procedure.
Does lacrosse have extra time?
Yes, lacrosse, has extra time - overtime periods to determine the winner of the game when the result is a tie during the regular play.
How does overtime work in lacrosse?
Overtime works in a way that allows the further continuation of the play after the regular game to determine the winner when the result after the regulation is a tie.
How long is overtime in lacrosse?

Overtime in lacrosse is the following:
- Ten minutes for professional lacrosse
- Four minutes for high school and college lacrosse
- Fifteen minutes for box lacrosse
- Three minutes of r women's lacrosse.
Is high school lacrosse overtime sudden death?
Yes, high school lacrosse level of play also uses the sudden death period to determine the winner. The rules reflect those at the collegiate level of play, with four-minute-long periods.
Can lacrosse end in a tie?
Yes, lacrosse matches can end in a tie, and then the sudden death overtime period takes place. If the result is still a tie, the officials call upon a Braveheart.
In conclusion, overtime lacrosse rules are designed to ensure that there is always a winner in the game.
These rules help to add excitement and suspense to the game, while also providing a fair way to determine the ultimate winner.
By understanding these rules, you can be sure that you are prepared for any situation that may arise during a lacrosse match.