Are you a lacrosse player striving to master the offsides rule? If so, you've come to the right place!
Here we will provide an overview of what offsides are and offer tips on how to tackle them for you to gain an edge over your opponents on the field. So grab your stick and let's dive into mastering lacrosse offsides!
Take away key points:
To learn what the lacrosse offside is, how to avoid it, and what the penalty is, refer to the guide below. You will find all the necessary answers to your questions.
What are the offsides in lacrosse?
Offsides are penalties occurring in lacrosse when the offending team or defending team has too many players on the field, or there are too many offensive players or defensive players across the restraining line in their offensive end or defensive end of the field.
All coaches and field lacrosse players must have a clear vision of the field, and anticipate possible offsides. Offsides will most likely occur during the fast breaks or a line change. The unsettled situations will put each team mistakenly moving into an offside violation.
What are the offsides procedure on the lacrosse field?

The offensive side is given offsides in men's lacrosse when there are more than six players on the offensive half of the field. There should be three attackmen and three midfielders on the offense.
The offsides penalty is also given to the defense side when there are more than seven players in the defensive zone of the field. Thus, the offsides penalty includes the players in the penalty box as well. There should be only seven players playing defense in the defensive half - three midfielders, three defensemen, and one goalie to play defense.
In women's lacrosse, the offsides penalty is assigned to the defense when there are more than seven players in the offensive zone or the defensive side of the field.
Can players commit offsides when chasing the loose ball?
Lacrosse players may be called offsides penalty when chasing a ball depending on the situation.
Specifically, if they're in their offensive half of the field when they attempt to gain possession of the loose ball, they will generally be flagged for offsides.
Similarly, if they beat the goalie to retrieve a shot that went wide of the goal or flew over the back line, it will count as crossing over midfield and result in an offsides penalty.
On the other hand, if a defensive player knocks away a bad pass from their goalkeeper that landed on the offense's side of midfield, it is not an offsides penalty. In this case, as long as a defender steps foot back onto their half of the field before gaining control of the loose ball no offsides penalty should occur.
Players need to be aware of where they are located on the field while chasing after any loose ball to avoid being penalized for offsides.
Are offside rules the same for all playing levels?
Office rules are the same for all playing levels, from professional lacrosse to youth levels.
The main objective is to prevent advantages/disadvantages for the teams on the field, so the officials will call for the penalty whenever a player violates the rules, regardless of the level of play.
Examples of offsides
Below you can find the common examples of offside in the play:
- A player runs on the field from the substitution box too early to help his team against the opponent. That is offside as there are too many players on their side of the field.
- An attacker runs toward the opponent while the midfielders are in their designated positions. The player makes eight in the defensive area, so the team is offside.
- A defenseman is a ball carrier and rushes toward the opponent and his team. One midfielder goes back to the defender's position as his substitution. He picks his stick up and shouts "middie-back" to signalize that the ball carrier is going forward. There is no offside, as the midfielder took the defender's position, and the number of players remained the same.
Are offsides technical fouls or personal fouls?
An offsides violation is a technical foul rather than a personal foul, and the punishment is a thirty-second penalty. The official will stop play and assign the offending player the penalty for the offsides violation.
Other technical fouls similar to offsides include crease violation, holding, interference, illegal screen, stalling, illegal procedure, and warding off.
What is the punishment for the offsides?
When the referee determines the offsides, the game will be stopped immediately. The referee might also perform a slow whistle if the defensive end is offside, so the opposing team has a higher chance of scoring.
But, if the players on the offensive side violated the lacrosse rules and scored a goal, the goal will be nullified, and the score will be unchanged. So, the other team does not have to worry too much.
As offsides are technical fouls in boys' lacrosse, one player from the offending team must serve a thirty-second releasable penalty in the penalty box. But, the player will be released to play lacrosse if the other players score a goal.
If the penalty is called against the defense while the opposing player from the opposing team has possession of the ball, the opponent will take a free-position restart of the game.
If an offensive player violates the rule while in the offensive half of the field, the defense will gain possession of the ball.
Can players avoid offside penalties?
As officials are trained to count forward, they will know if there are too many players on the offense and defense areas fighting for the possession of the ball. They will throw a yellow flag, call for a slow whistle and assign the penalty to one team violating the rules.
However, referees might sometimes overlook if there are more than the allowed number of players on the offense or defensive sides, and the players might get away without a penalty.
For instance, three players - midfielders might cross the restricted line to get a clearer view and help other team members in the game. But, once they notice there are too many players in the offense, that is the defensive side of their opponent, the three players might quickly return to their designated position. The game will continue without a stop if the goalie hasn't seen the violation of lacrosse rules.
In such a situation, the opposing coach might complain about the violation of the rules to the referee, and if the official estimates there was an offense, he will assign the penalty to the offenders and their team.
Restraining lines preventing offsides
Restraining lines serve to protect the players from committing offsides penalty and enforce the rules. Restraining lines run parallel to the center line and end lines. Restraining lines divide the offensive and defensive half from the midfield line. Restraining lines are used during the face-off and the play.
During the face-off, a team must have three defensemen in the defensive half, three midfielders at the midfield line, and three attackmen on the offensive side of the field. The players must remain inside their restraining box behind the restraining line.
Once the referee calls for players, they will run to reach the X-marked place at the center line to get the loose ball.

How do offsides work in lacrosse?
Offsides take place when there are too many defensive/offensive lacrosse players on a particular side of the field.
The team must never have more than six offense players or seven defenders (the goalie included) in the same zone of the field.
How long is an offsides penalty in lacrosse?
The offsides violation of rules results in a thirty-second releasable penalty.
Are there offsides in women's lacrosse?
Yes, there are offsides in women's lacrosse. An offense is regarded as the offside when they have more than seven players at the offensive and defensive end of the field.
What is the 3-second rule in lacrosse?
This is a rule in women's lacrosse. The rules state the offense has three seconds to either change the cradle or pass the ball possession to her team member.
Are there offsides in box lacrosse?
No, there are no offsides in box lacrosse, as the game is fast-paced and full of making contact with the opponent players.
The aggressive offense will result in the ejection of a player for two minutes when endangering the player safety standards.
What sports have offsides?
There are various sports with offside, such as soccer, rugby, field hockey, ice hockey, bandy, and other field sports.
Final words
In conclusion, understanding when an offside foul is called is important for both players and viewers of the game. Offside penalties can often be controversial and game-changing, so it's crucial to have a handle on the rule.
Now that you know a bit more about when an offside penalty is given, you'll be able to follow along with the game more easily and enjoy it even more!