Suffering from a sore back? You're not alone. Many people are struggling with lower back pain and feel like they don't know where to turn for relief.
But did you know that one of the most efficient ways to relieve aching muscles, tension, and stress is to perform self-myofascial release and a lacrosse ball massage?
This guide covers all the basics you need to know to perform an effective lacrosse ball massage at home in 2023.
So take the time to read this guide and learn how to ease your sore back in no time!
Take Away Key Points:
Top Benefits of a Lacrosse Massage Ball
A lacrosse massage ball can provide many benefits that you may not have realized.
Besides playing, lacrosse balls can be used in physical therapy and myofascial release to help reduce pain in tight and sore muscles. They can also be used for massage and self-massage by targeting specific body areas requiring tension relief. Lacrosse balls are also great tools for a trigger point release.
Here are just a few of the top reasons to incorporate this tool into your health and wellness routine:

These are just a few of the many benefits of using a lacrosse massage ball – so don't wait any longer to start incorporating one into your daily routine!
How to Massage With Lacrosse Ball & Ease Tight Muscles
Although it may not be the most enjoyable tool to use, a lacrosse ball can be used for performing a self-myofascial release option that is both affordable and highly accessible.
Massaging with a lacrosse ball can significantly reduce muscle tension, break up the connective tissue around the muscles, relieve joint pain, and improve overall well-being.
The lacrosse ball can work wonders with regular use to improve your body's functionality!
Here is how you can target muscle groups with a lacrosse ball massage
1. Glutes
Incorporating a lacrosse ball massage into your exercise routine is a great way to target sore glute muscles for improved mobility, flexibility, and pain relief.
For glute release, lie on your back on a mat with your knees bent and your foot flat. Place the lacrosse ball beneath your gluteal muscles and lower back. Then, using your elbows to steady yourself, put some weight onto the ball and roll side-to-side over it, slowly extending it to the outer edge of the hip near the side of your body.
Next, let your knee and thigh fall towards the mat as if you were opening and closing a clamshell. After each repetition, pull your knee back up towards the center before starting again. Do this for 30 seconds to two minutes for maximum pain or tension relief!
2. Quads
Targeting your quad muscles with a lacrosse ball massage can be a great way to improve the flexibility of your muscles.
Start by lying down on your back and placing the lacrosse ball on the floor in front of you. Next, place it directly underneath the quad muscle, creating pressure and allowing it to sink into the muscle.
Keep applying pressure and moving around slightly until you find a tender spot. This is where the concentration of knots or trigger points may be located.
Use circular motions to massage these spots for 20-30 seconds at a time, then move on to other areas until your entire quad has been worked on. With regular use, you'll notice improved flexibility, increased range of motion, and decreased pain or discomfort in your quads.
3. Back
Massaging your back muscles with a lacrosse ball can improve your range of motion, fix your poor posture and break up connective tissue.
To relieve pain and tension in your hamstrings, lay on your back with your knees bent and a lacrosse ball placed on the left side of your spine. Your feet, bottom, hips, shoulders, and head should be engaged on the mat with your core.
Take up onto your elbows for extra support while you slowly roll from left to right. Once done, let the knee and thigh drop toward the mat in a clamshell gesture. Continue this process for 30 seconds to two minutes.
You may also want to massage the middle and lower back regions, but take care not to overwork any area.
4. Chest, shoulder & neck
Begin by lying on your back on a mat with your knees bent. Next, place the lacrosse ball between your spine and shoulder blade, where all three muscle groups come together.
Keeping your head down, lift your hips in a half-bridge pose. Apply pressure to the ball and slowly roll it slightly downwards (the ball should move down).
After that, slowly lift one arm straight outward towards the feet, with the palm facing outwards. Return it to your side after. Repeat the same process for 30 seconds to two minutes for complete and effective pain or tension relief in your chest, shoulder blades, and neck muscles!
You may also want to massage the middle and upper back regions, focusing on areas like the trapezius muscle, lats, and rhomboids.
For the neck region, try to work mainly around the base of the skull and anywhere below it. You can also tape two lacrosse balls and place them at the bottom of the head.
5. Hamstrings
Many struggle with tight hamstrings due to prolonged periods spent sitting, which can lead to discomfort in the hips, knees, and back and can disrupt movement patterns.
To loosen tight hamstrings, sit on a hard chair or table raised high enough to let your legs hang freely. Then, place the lacrosse ball beneath your thigh and move it around until you locate a spot causing tenderness.
Lean forward, balancing your arm and body weight on your thigh as you flex and extend your knee for 30 seconds before readjusting the ball's position when necessary. Repeat this exercise for maximum effect.
6. Feet

People suffering from plantar fasciitis experience pain in the bottom of their feet due to inflamed or irritated plantar fascia.
Myofascial release can reduce this discomfort by breaking up adhesions that cause plantar fasciitis.
To do this, sit comfortably with your feet on the floor and place the lacrosse ball under the arch of your foot. Then, lean forward, applying weight to your affected side as you slowly roll the ball back and forth for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat on the other side if needed.
How do you release tight hips with a lacrosse ball?
To release tight hips with a lacrosse ball, start by sitting on the ground with your legs extended. Next, place the lacrosse ball underneath one of your hips and apply gentle pressure to it.
Slowly move the ball around to different points of tension in the hip area. Spend at least 30 seconds on each area before moving on to another. When you feel a decrease in tension, move to a new spot. Repeat this process until all areas of tightness have been worked out.
Can a lacrosse ball break up scar tissue?
Yes, a lacrosse ball can be used to break up scar tissue. However, this should be done in a gentle manner and with caution.
Lacrosse balls can release tightness and discomfort in the body, similar to how a foam roller is used. Applying as much pressure with circular motions can relieve adhesions within the muscles, resulting in increased mobility and reduced pain.
Are lacrosse balls hard?
Lacrosse balls are typically made from hard rubber, making them firm and textured. This makes them ideal for massaging deep into the tissue to break up underlying tissue, although this should be done gently.
What does a lacrosse ball do for muscles?
Lacrosse balls can break down kinks in the muscles that may be causing stiffness or pain.
By applying pressure with circular motions, the tension in the tissue is released, allowing for an increased range of motion and reduced discomfort. The firm, textured lacrosse ball surface helps to get into the deeper tissue and work out any possible knots or adhesions.
What are lacrosse balls used for?
Besides playing, lacrosse balls can also be used as massage tools to apply pressure and release muscle tension.
They are also often used for physical therapy and rehabilitation, stretching, self-myofascial release, and deep tissue massage. They can be applied to any body area, including the back massage, feet, shoulders, neck, arms, legs, and hands. Since they are not as hard as a tennis ball, lacrosse balls can release tension and provide relief in seconds!
What are the best lacrosse ball self massage techniques?
You can use several self-massage techniques with a lacrosse ball to effectively target tight and sore muscles.
One popular technique is to use the lacrosse ball to apply deep, sustained pressure to an area of tension. To do this, press the ball against the affected area until you feel relief or lightening of the tension.
In conclusion, lacrosse balls are an effective massage tool to relieve pain and release tension.
They can be used in various ways to target different body areas and deliver deep, sustained pressure for an invigorating massage.
By incorporating lacrosse ball massage into your routine, you'll be able to enjoy the many benefits of regular massages, such as improved circulation, increased flexibility, and reduced muscle tension.